Friday, January 10, 2014

Tropicana Farmstand Peach Mango – A Review

Tropicana Farmstand Peach Mango is "100% Fruit & Vegetable Juice". I imagine it's meant to compete with V8's Splash and Fusion lines.

There's not a strong peach flavor, with peach being fourth on the ingredient list after reconstituted clarified sweet potato juice, grape juice, and apple juice.

There's no mango flavor to speak of at all, and with good reason. Not only is mango puree the last main ingredient, it's comprised of the ingredients that came before it:

Reconstituted clarified sweet potato juice, grape juice, apple juice and peach puree, carrot juice and mango puree (filtered water, clarified sweet potato juice, grape juice, peach puree, apple juice, mango puree and carrot juice concentrates), natural flavors, citric acid, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), and beta-carotene

In other words, a drop of mango sludge for every 46 oz bottle.

If the goal was to mask any taste of vegetable, Tropicana failed. Granted, the vegetables in question are sweet potato and carrot – not bad tasting veggies. But one is aware.

I bought the juice because I am recovering from a cold and tired of orange juice, and orange mango juice, and peach orange mango juice. I wanted something juice-y and citrus-y, but not orange.

It did not satisfy on that front.

However, it doesn't taste bad. Unique, but not unpalatable. I could see it in a blended drink, like a smoothie (I'm going to try it with ice cream). I sense something similar in the V8 lines would better mask the presence of vegetable, a theory I need to test.


Tropicana Farmstand Peach Mango: not really peach, no mango to speak of, strong whiff of a generally yummy orange vegetable (probably sweet potato). Quenches the thirst, but not as soothing as orange juice if your sinuses are inflamed from a cold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought it tasted just like mango (or pineapple). Maybe your sense of taste was off because you were sick. I thought it was actually quite wonderful and I will be buying it again.