Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Coconut Macaroons

Traveling the custard making train requires egg yolks – and usually only egg yolks. What to do with the leftover egg whites?

This time around I tried coconut macaroons.

I don't normally choose these cookies, and I'm not big on coconut. But since I had leftover coconut to get rid of, they seemed to be a good option.

See, every once in a while I want "fancy" fruit salad – drained fruit cocktail mixed with sour cream, with mini marshmallows and sprinkle of coconut folded in. I never need an entire bag of coconut for such endeavors.

I used a version of this recipe, first beating the egg whites to soft peaks, then adding sugar and beating to stiff peaks, then adding the salt and almond extract and beating some more, and finally folding in the coconut.

Basically, this cookie is a sort of coconut meringue. When I pulled mine from the oven, they appeared to have too much meringue, or at least more meringue than coconut.

I had a hard time prying the macaroons off of the parchment paper. If I ever make them again, I'll have to remember to spray the parchment with cooking spray before adding the dollop of coconut meringue.

With burnt bottoms to boot

They taste a'ight. I find the coconut to be a bit overpowering, but this may be because I'm not coo-coo for coconut.

It would taste better dipped in chocolate. Not simply because chocolate makes many things better, but because in this case, the chocolate would both cut and compliment the coconut. A cookie version of a Mounds candy bar, now that I think about it.

Only I don't like Mounds. Or Almond Joy, for that matter. So I probably won't be making these again anytime soon.

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