Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Fear

Of people who have no issue with handcuffing a 5-year old
and dragging them away from their mother.

Of people who softly smile at the number of synagogues that have been threatened or vandalized,
the desecration of cemeteries,
the mosques set aflame.

Of people whose eyes twinkled
when a person of the "wrong" ethnicity and color
was murdered in cold blood.

Of people with whom I may be Facebook Friends,
Or am cordial with at work,
Or who say Hello when I get my mail.

Of people who smile sheepishly and say Excuse me as we dance with our shopping carts in the grocery store.

Of people who smile to my face with as genuine a pleasantness as ever there was.

I do not doubt that in the not-so-distant future, I may become a victim.
I do not doubt that because of the color of my skin
or the way I wear my hair
or my name –
I may be targeted.

And my fear,
sitting fitfully just below the surface, 
is that the person doing whatever deed that could be done

Was one who smiled to my face,
as genuine a pleasantness as ever there was.

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