Saturday, January 28, 2017

Anger: Current Top Five

I have been angry for a while, now, and it doesn't look like it'll be abating anytime soon. My current Top Five:

The silence of many white Christians in response to christian white supremacy has made me distrustful and wary of most of you. Why are you not fighting this centuries old heresy? Get it together, sibs.

People who have been vetted and have visas in hand are being denied entry into the United States. People who have lived here for years and simply went home to see a dying relative, to catch up with parents they hadn't seen in a decade, who live in the UK… Sure, technically it's not anti-Muslim – Christians escaping persecution and European nationals are also caught up in this madness. Nonetheless, this is not right. This is not a right thing to do. THIS  IS NOT  RIGHT.

It's not about terrorism. 9/11, Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon, San Bernardino, Orlando…none of the perpetrators of those attacks came from the countries on the list of those now denied entry into the United States.

So what's this really about?

During the Clinton and Obama administrations, Fox News and other conservative media outlets reported in the role of the opposition. Why is it suddenly a problem to have a media outlet act as 'the opposition'?

The censorship. Specific departments, websites taken down…and have you noticed that what the president calls 'fake news' is anything that puts him in a negative light? One cannot say anything critical of him or his policies. What's next – jail time for speaking ill of the president?

The state government messed up the water in Flint, Michigan, tried to gaslight the residents about it, and refused to take responsibility when it was found out. The kindness of neighbors have brought free water filters to many; this is admirable. But the people who made the mess aren't moving very quickly to fix the mess, are they? Michigan state politicians: Don't you dare tell citizens to take responsibility for their actions when you are unwilling to do so yourself.

Congratulations to those who favor outlawing abortion.

Are you advocating for policies that provide adequate healthcare to those who are pregnant?

Are you advocating for policies that help families with the financial challenges of child-rearing?

Are you advocating for changes to the current foster care systems that would promote the physical, emotional, and mental health of the children in these systems?

Because if you support a child's birth but not a child's life, you are not pro-life. You are driven by a different agenda.

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