Monday, January 30, 2017

Short Takes

Sometimes your mission is to fight,

Sometimes it is to provide respite from the battle, and

Sometimes it is to do both.


What are you doing?
Finding my voice.


Have I mentioned? I kinda wanna see the new Power Rangers movie.


But Somalia, though? Really?


Just so we’re clear: The Holocaust targeted Jews and others who were found to be either undesirable or opposed to the ruling regime.


That Wonder Woman movie better be good.


Asian men are attractive.


I love those State Farm commercials, with the same dialogue in different scenarios. Unfortunately, I now want a suede couch (or big chair).

Sunday, January 29, 2017


There are many reasons one could be silent about matters in the news.

It could be shock,
Or fear of retaliation.

It could be an act of ignoring the situation,
Or of tolerating it.

It could be a matter of complicity and agreement with the underlying ideals.

Or it could be a matter of strategy,
The contemplation of whether a particular battle will help win the war.

And then there are other things to think about,
Funerals to prepare for,
School lunches to make -
Daily routines and extraordinary instances -
Life happening right now.
Our silence may be due to our need to focus on one thing at a time.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Anger: Current Top Five

I have been angry for a while, now, and it doesn't look like it'll be abating anytime soon. My current Top Five:

The silence of many white Christians in response to christian white supremacy has made me distrustful and wary of most of you. Why are you not fighting this centuries old heresy? Get it together, sibs.

People who have been vetted and have visas in hand are being denied entry into the United States. People who have lived here for years and simply went home to see a dying relative, to catch up with parents they hadn't seen in a decade, who live in the UK… Sure, technically it's not anti-Muslim – Christians escaping persecution and European nationals are also caught up in this madness. Nonetheless, this is not right. This is not a right thing to do. THIS  IS NOT  RIGHT.

It's not about terrorism. 9/11, Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon, San Bernardino, Orlando…none of the perpetrators of those attacks came from the countries on the list of those now denied entry into the United States.

So what's this really about?

During the Clinton and Obama administrations, Fox News and other conservative media outlets reported in the role of the opposition. Why is it suddenly a problem to have a media outlet act as 'the opposition'?

The censorship. Specific departments, websites taken down…and have you noticed that what the president calls 'fake news' is anything that puts him in a negative light? One cannot say anything critical of him or his policies. What's next – jail time for speaking ill of the president?

The state government messed up the water in Flint, Michigan, tried to gaslight the residents about it, and refused to take responsibility when it was found out. The kindness of neighbors have brought free water filters to many; this is admirable. But the people who made the mess aren't moving very quickly to fix the mess, are they? Michigan state politicians: Don't you dare tell citizens to take responsibility for their actions when you are unwilling to do so yourself.

Congratulations to those who favor outlawing abortion.

Are you advocating for policies that provide adequate healthcare to those who are pregnant?

Are you advocating for policies that help families with the financial challenges of child-rearing?

Are you advocating for changes to the current foster care systems that would promote the physical, emotional, and mental health of the children in these systems?

Because if you support a child's birth but not a child's life, you are not pro-life. You are driven by a different agenda.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Short Takes

I now realize I've never been able to comfortably wear 3" heels. This makes me sad.

I will watch any animated iteration of Scooby Doo. Except for the ones with Scrappy.

Take Two of trying quinoa, this time as a substitute for oatmeal. Either I'm doing it wrong or I really do find it to be disgusting.

Angelenos often walk on the wrong side of the sidewalk, like they're driving in the UK. I find this highly annoying.

Technically, it's Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior. My Auntie taught me that.

Of course the inaugural crowd was smaller. There's nothing historic about a white man being sworn in as President of the United States.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

This Week's Menu

Roasted Eggplant & Steamed Broccoli tossed with Teriyaki Sauce

Yes, it looks awful. It is, however, edible.

Next time, I'll
--Take the skin off the eggplant,
--Add garlic to the roast,
--Use a different type of frozen broccoli, (i.e., not chopped), and
--Add chopped walnuts just before eating.

Some grated parmesan or pecorino probably would be a nice finish as well, but I'm trying to cut down on the cheese.

Greens & Yams with a bit o' Pork

This is a one pot go-to comprised of onions, sweet potatoes and greens.

This time I used mustards and white sweet potatoes. That bit of pork is some leftover fatback/salt pork (best for a pot o' beans); bacon is better, though. In either case, the onions are sautéed in the pork grease before the sweet potatoes are added.

As usual, I waited a bit too late to add the greens, so the sweet potatoes are overcooked. <sigh>

Variations on the theme include adding lentils and/or curry powder. Nor do I always add pork or meat.

Apple Salad

Granny smiths, raisins, sour cream. Something I sort of remember from childhood, in that I can't remember precisely when we ate it, but I make it the same way I think I remember it from when I was a child.

Here again, chopped walnuts would give it a nice finish. Next time,

Cappuccino Crème Brulee

I know it's hard to tell, but that custard is smoooth

So excited.

There are no scrambled eggs in my custard! (Though I didn't strain it, so I might find a small piece later.) Success with tempering whisked egg yolks with hot whipping cream!

I mostly used Ina Garten's recipe from Food Network, except instead of adding orange liqueur, I added a teaspoon of espresso powder per Mary Berry's recipe from The Great British Baking Show (aka The Great British Back Off ). I really could've used eight ramekins, but I made it work with six. Those tubs are full.
What I wanted to do was make a caramel, crack it up, blitz it in the blender, then sprinkle on top for torching. Alas, my caramel still needs work, so I had go with torching regular granulated sugar.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Apropos To...

Where would we be
If Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee
Hadn't used their celebrity 
In tireless advocacy? 

If Harry Belafonte had remained silent?


Ali's greatness did not come solely from his artistry in the ring.

Slow Morning

School Traffic, I thought, as I drove past cars seeking to go south on Beverly Glen.

School Traffic, I reconfirmed to myself, maneuvering past cars turning left onto Kester Avenue.

That's not School Traffic, I realized, as I approached a long line of cars that had created a makeshift left turn lane.

Also, it was 6:15 AM, which is far too early for kids to be on their way to the local schools.

What is going on?

I eventually drove past the freeway on-ramp, which was CLOSED - Orange cones in all the relevant lanes. Two Caltrans trucks, one with a trailer, slid slowly out of the crawl of traffic and into neutral spaces, waiting. I settled into resignation as a heavy sprinkle began.

I graced the office with my presence at 8:00 AM, knees aching from spending almost two hours in my stick shift, inching over the Sepulveda Pass, mostly in first gear.

Turns out, there had been a car chase in the latenight/early morning hours; a portion of the freeway had to be closed because it was a crime scene.

Which was a bit of a relief. I thought a dignitary might've been in town.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Short Takes

Was Michaela Cole on the short list for the Nina Simone movie that ultimately starred Zoe Saldana? If not, why not?

Canned Cherry Pie Filling is becoming a pantry staple in my house.

I'm a sucker for a high-heeled oxford.

You know that Kim Burrell is a gospel music artist, right? So her anti-gay stance should be neither unexpected nor unsurprising.

If I have a favorite Halloween movie, it's Coraline.

I hear ya, Meryl, but I like football and have nothing against MMA.

Very smart on NBCUniversal's (er Comcast's) part to run a This Is Us marathon on USA over the weekend.

I like bacon, but not bacon donuts.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Boots

I'm allergic to the new boots I bought specifically for the rainy weather we've been having.

I've had them less than a week. No mention of the nature of the materials was on the box; nothing more descriptive than "faux leather or flannel upper with sweater knit cuff" appears on the store website.

But based on my reaction when I laced them up this morning,

Mild watery eyes, throat irritation, and itchy skin,

that "sweater knit cuff" is made of wool.

I've been uncomfortable all day.

When I tried them on at the store, I didn't feel anything. Well, I did, but that was after I'd checked the label on some caps that turned out to be wool. I didn't think it was the shoes.

I can't take them back (they're not from Nordstrom); and besides, I'm using the box to store my Christmas stuff. Marked it with a black sharpie and everything.

So into the Goodwill pile they go. And back to the drawing board for a pair boots for the winter rains.
