Monday, July 9, 2012

Urban Exercise Number 42

For ladies and adventurous men

1.       Park on Beaver street in San Francisco, approximately halfway up the street

2.       Put on a pair of 4 ½ inch heels (you may want to go with wedges instead of stilettos)

3.       Walk up to Castro street, turn left

4.       Walk down to the Castro theater (yes, you must cross Market Street)

5.       Enjoy the ambiance of the theater or find someplace nummy to eat

6.       Walk back to your car (up Castro, down Beaver)

7.       Go home and go to bed

8.       Get up after a good night's sleep and feel the burn in your thighs

9.       Gingerly get out of bed and stretch your quads

10.   Continue stretching at intervals until the pain recedes or you can move without wincing

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