Monday, July 9, 2012

Green Lantern

That I was comfortable enough to leave for the restroom during an important piece of exposition tells you how riveting Green Lantern is.

My biggest problem was the music. When Hal Jordan is first trying to get the lantern to work, I want to giggle. I'm supposed to giggle. It's Ryan Reynolds doing what we love. But I can't because the music is off.

The scene is juxtaposing Dr. Hammond's autopsy (and infection) with Hal's attempt to power the ring. The music is great for the autopsy. I guess it works at the end of the scene, when Hal learns the oath and the lantern makes his eyes all funny. But by that point, I’m irked I didn’t get my giggle.

Was it really necessary to introduce us to Hal via a one-night stand? Would it have been that much less interesting if he was late for lateness' sake?

Blake Lively is stunning as a brunette.

Peter Sarsgaard can do no wrong. He owned that make-up, owned that role.

That close up on the face as Hal is getting his Green Lantern skin? That wasn't Ryan Reynolds. Or if it was, they did a REALLY good job of making him look like a completely different person, nose and all.

Tomar-Re does not look like a fish. He looks like a bird. Hello? He has a beak!

I enjoyed Kilowag the drill sergeant. He could care less that Hal is human.

Sinestro…his 'humans are weak and you don't deserve to be here' schtick was tiresome. You got a problem with the choice? Holler at the ring, not the recipient. Please.

Sad that Dr. Hammond is so consumed he doesn't hear Hal trying to counteract his dad's poison.

Love that Carol quickly figures out it's Hal.

Why was it important for Dr. Hammond to hear what other people thought of him? It wasn't bad, it just didn't add up in the end. If he could hear people's thoughts, then why did he fall for the ring ruse?

Okay, I see that showing us how Dr. Hammond can read memories set an important precedence. But don't choose a memory that leaves me hanging. Poor Angela! But was her husband's death related to how she came to be a scientist? Enquiring minds want to know.

I've seen enough of the Green Lantern animated series to giggle when we hear Carol's call name is Sapphire. But not enough to fully understand the ramifications. As usual, I'm backlogged on my cartoons.

I like the way the Guardians are rendered in the cartoon. In the movie, their giant brains make them look scarier, not smarter. And how can anyone see them nodding? Their chairs are so tall.

I’m as self centered as the next person, but I did not enjoy the we are awesome only a human can stop this threat message of Hal Jordan fighting alone. Yes, Carol fired the missiles to get him going, but

Maybe in the sequel he'll get to fight alongside Kilowag and Tomar-Re.

(Let's call this The Avengers Effect, shall we?)

So Sinestro's so power hungry he puts on the yellow ring, does he? And I was just getting to like him.

Here's hoping Green Lantern 2 is superior to this.

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