Monday, August 15, 2011

A ThunderCats Update

The twins have joined Lion-O, Tygra, and Cheetara on the Quest, while Snarf has been making sounds reminiscent of the Minions from Despicable Me. One could say he talks, but since it's not annoying, no harm, no foul.

Cheetara is apparently attracted to Lion-O. (It's TV-13, so I guess there has to be a little bit of romance.) So long as they don't kiss as much as they did on the last season of Avatar*, I think I'll be alright.

Most importantly, Panthro's in the house! Saving the day with his catmobile tank, vanquishing bad guys with his nunchucks. All is right in the ThunderCats Universe.

So now the gang's all here. What's next in their quest to find the Book of Omens before Mumm-Ra? I'll be staying tuned (to see more Panthro, of course).

*the cartoon Avatar, The Last Airbender. Not James Cameron's movie. Which doesn't have episodes on TV. Yet.

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