Monday, August 1, 2011


It's no use trying to be modest around a toddler. You can bring the stroller into the handicap stall and face it away from you; he will still crane his neck to see what you're doing.

heart healthy Roasted Almonds salted
Ummm…doesn't the salted-ness negate the heart healthiness?

Duct Tape
It's not just gray anymore. Or for ducts.

Sombrero shaped rainbow pasta at Whole Foods
I'm not convinced Whole Foods and Fresh & Easy are direct competitors, as the two stores not so subtlety imply. It's not like Fresh & Easy has 8 different brands of coconut oil. Or rainbow shaped sombrero pasta.

"Sarah Palin uses media to publicize bus tour". Perhaps I missed that lesson in marketing class, but how does one publicize without using media?

The thermostat in the women's bathroom on the second floor of the Las Positas College Phys Ed building looks programmable. Such amazing trust….

Also on the second floor – an indoor track (neatly scribed on the carpet), and classrooms. Presumably for fire reasons, the classroom doors open outwards, directly onto the track. A nice obstacle course for that warm up jog.

You can get a Bacon Maple Sundae at participating Denny's. Now I like bacon. And I love ice cream. But this sounds worse than bacon donuts. (The piece of bacon donut I tasted (from some San Francisco bakery) was barely this side of edible.)

On the other hand, Denny's Mango Madness Smoothie is clearly a step in the right direction.

Am I the only one who watched 300 and said 'Dang! Faramir got buff!'?

No. No. No. No. No.
But still better than giving a card to your pet

Oh dear. If information is the new currency then why have we had insider trading laws since the stock market crash of 1929?

It's good to be taller than the character. Probably another reason why I may never warm up to Chuck E. Cheese.

Do Not Enter Until Intersection is Clear
Warning labels became traffic signs when we proved willing to block traffic just to make the light.

Jabba the Bus

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