Thursday, August 25, 2011

August 25, 2011

They're selling Christmas stuff on QVC. Kids are barely in school and they're selling Christmas stuff.

And don't tell me it's for the early birds. The early birds got their Christmas stuff last January at the Christmas close-out sales.

Have you no shame, QVC? Have you no shame?

Stores are crowded with kids and their parents trolling the aisles for the right pens. I like that local classrooms have their supply lists at the stores. I don't the difficulty in getting a parking space. Yes, I'm a suburbanite. I like ease in finding my parking spaces.

How did I not even think to look for Dishy David Tennant on Twitter?

Oh, never mind. I was pointed to news about David Tennant, not tweets (alleged or otherwise) from David Tennant. Ah Vel.

Not only is the Econ book selected for class the newest edition published, said edition is not available on Chegg (most reasonably priced textbook rental site) or Amazon (where books for sale are generally much cheaper). But lo and behold, the book is available for sale or rent on the university bookstore website.

Pretty sneaky, sis. At least they're no longer trying to hide the racket that is college textbook publishing and distribution.

So I go to rent the book, and there's an $8 rental fee. What? I'm picking the thing up in store, so there'd be no shipping, and they charge me an additional $8 on top of the $100 I'm paying?


Monday, August 15, 2011

A ThunderCats Update

The twins have joined Lion-O, Tygra, and Cheetara on the Quest, while Snarf has been making sounds reminiscent of the Minions from Despicable Me. One could say he talks, but since it's not annoying, no harm, no foul.

Cheetara is apparently attracted to Lion-O. (It's TV-13, so I guess there has to be a little bit of romance.) So long as they don't kiss as much as they did on the last season of Avatar*, I think I'll be alright.

Most importantly, Panthro's in the house! Saving the day with his catmobile tank, vanquishing bad guys with his nunchucks. All is right in the ThunderCats Universe.

So now the gang's all here. What's next in their quest to find the Book of Omens before Mumm-Ra? I'll be staying tuned (to see more Panthro, of course).

*the cartoon Avatar, The Last Airbender. Not James Cameron's movie. Which doesn't have episodes on TV. Yet.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Despite being one of my childhood favorites, I remember very little about the story of ThunderCats. Lion-O was king, Cheetara was fast, Mumm-Ra was the bad guy, and Snarf was always whining "Lion-O! Snarf! Snarf!".

Now there's a new version on Cartoon Network. The names may be the same, but the feel is a bit different.

The first thing I noticed was Lion-O's youth. He's literally a cherub-faced teenager - gone are the He-Man muscles. I'm still adjusting.

Is it really necessary for Cheetara to bare her midriff? Were the twins always thieves, and so young? Tygra is Lion-O's brother? Where's Panthro? They killed Panthro?!

Lion-O and Tygra have a fierce sibling rivalry. Tygra embraces traditional attitudes about Thundara and the world beyond; Lion-O believes in fables and doesn’t fully accept the status quo. Yet despite their differences, Tygra has Lion-O's back.

As does Cheetara, who's a bit mysterious at this point.

Panthro is presumed dead in the "outside world" he was sent to explore; the twins are so impoverished they steal to survive; and Snarf (thankfully) does not talk.

The premiere was a nice set up for Lion-O's hero journey. Still, I miss Panthro, and wonder how the twins will get connected to the main action.

So I'll keep watching, looking for Panthro to show up and hoping Snarf never gains the ability to talk.

Monday, August 1, 2011


It's no use trying to be modest around a toddler. You can bring the stroller into the handicap stall and face it away from you; he will still crane his neck to see what you're doing.

heart healthy Roasted Almonds salted
Ummm…doesn't the salted-ness negate the heart healthiness?

Duct Tape
It's not just gray anymore. Or for ducts.

Sombrero shaped rainbow pasta at Whole Foods
I'm not convinced Whole Foods and Fresh & Easy are direct competitors, as the two stores not so subtlety imply. It's not like Fresh & Easy has 8 different brands of coconut oil. Or rainbow shaped sombrero pasta.

"Sarah Palin uses media to publicize bus tour". Perhaps I missed that lesson in marketing class, but how does one publicize without using media?

The thermostat in the women's bathroom on the second floor of the Las Positas College Phys Ed building looks programmable. Such amazing trust….

Also on the second floor – an indoor track (neatly scribed on the carpet), and classrooms. Presumably for fire reasons, the classroom doors open outwards, directly onto the track. A nice obstacle course for that warm up jog.

You can get a Bacon Maple Sundae at participating Denny's. Now I like bacon. And I love ice cream. But this sounds worse than bacon donuts. (The piece of bacon donut I tasted (from some San Francisco bakery) was barely this side of edible.)

On the other hand, Denny's Mango Madness Smoothie is clearly a step in the right direction.

Am I the only one who watched 300 and said 'Dang! Faramir got buff!'?

No. No. No. No. No.
But still better than giving a card to your pet

Oh dear. If information is the new currency then why have we had insider trading laws since the stock market crash of 1929?

It's good to be taller than the character. Probably another reason why I may never warm up to Chuck E. Cheese.

Do Not Enter Until Intersection is Clear
Warning labels became traffic signs when we proved willing to block traffic just to make the light.

Jabba the Bus