Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Social Media Fast

It got to the point where some days, I was checking my Twitter account every 3 minutes or less. A fast was in order, and Lent was right around the corner.

No checking Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday1.

Pinterest was the easiest to avoid. Their suggestion algorithms had been getting on my nerves for some time now. Before Lent started, I removed the app from my phone and tablet. The most I saw of Pinterest were the What's New emails in my inbox, and half of those didn't interest me.

Facebook turned out to be tougher to avoid than I expected. Prior to the fast, I had gone a day or two without checking it.

But by Day 2, I had excluded my friend's cancer recovery page from the fast. Because cancer sucks, and how could I commiserate with her if I didn't know what was going on?

Then there were the notifications. That number encircled by an orange or red dot telling you who tagged you in a photo or invited you to tea or whatever. Those notifications had to go.

Which meant every time I cleared them out, I peeked at the post at the top of my news feed.

And sometimes clicked Continue Reading on whatever post was at the top of my news feed.

And once clicked the article that was shared in the post at the top of my news feed.

As for Twitter, one of the blogs I read includes a bit of the author's tweet stream. I would purposely go to their site, first to read the tweets, then to read the blog. Pretty much a violation of the spirit of the fast.


1. Well, Easter Sunday-ish, I suppose. According to the Internet, Lent ends on Saturday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome totally back to FB. Thanks for sharing. Happy birthday beautiful!