Monday, January 12, 2015

Gum Graft: Post Op Instructions

1. Drink something cold and slushy within 30 minutes of the surgery
Yay! Jamba Juice!

But no citrus, as the acid might aggravate.

Oh. No Mango a Go Go. I settled for a Matcha Green Tea Freddo.

2. Eat only soft foods, like eggs, noodles, rice & beans, pasta
This seemed easy, until I checked my fridge and pantry. To the store for box mac & cheese and a few packs of ramen. Who knew that dental surgery would have me eating like a college student again?

On a brighter note, it was an excellent excuse to buy pudding.

3. Keep your blood pressure down, no rigorous exercise
Apparently, the higher the blood pressure, the slower the healing.

Ha! Like I do anything rigorous! I just walk at lunchtime often arriving back at the office slightly out of breath. . .


* * * * * * * *

It's been a week and all feels well. No more horse pills, and the medicinal mouthwash no longer stings when I swish. There is sometimes pain around where the tissue was taken, but that’s getting better too. Even the silly putty band aid (seriously, the band aid looks like silly putty) is less annoying. It only feels like I have something stuck on my teeth every two hours instead of every 5 minutes. The follow up appointment's on Friday.

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