Saturday, January 3, 2015

Chatted Up

I have a Nordstrom gift card burning a hole in my wallet. So I went to Westfield Topanga – the giant mall in Woodland Hills with a Tesla showroom and a carousel – to try to find a pair of heels.

(Unfortunately, the heels I'm most drawn to – a pair of classic black pointy toe beauties – are Manolo's. Outside of my budget doesn't begin to describe  )

As I trekked through the 2nd floor maze of the mall, a man who looked old enough to be my grandfather crossed my path.

Happy New Year! he greeted with a smile.

Happy New Year! I returned, then paused. He looked like he wanted to say something else. And, as I had already dubbed him The Octogenarian, it would've been rude to brush past him without letting him speak.

Do you work? I thought he meant, was I working today?, so I replied no. He looked sad and distressed by the news. Did he think I was unemployed? I attempted to clarify.

Well, I work Monday through Friday, 9 to 5. A bit of relief,

That's a long time to work, 8 hours. But concern for my welfare.

Well, I have a lunch break.

An hour? What time?

Yes, an hour. Well, I usually leave around noon, take a walk, then eat.

Where do you walk? which I heard as Where do you work?, for he had a bit of an accent.


Where do you walk?

Oh – by my office.

Hmm, yes. It's safer that way.

I sort of shrugged. I don't think about safety when I walk – I think about going out and getting back in roughly 30 minutes so I have some time to eat. I believe I said something to that effect.

Will you be here tomorrow?

No. This was a surprising line of questioning.

He was sad again. Where do you work?

Brentwood *

Ah, that's far away. I wish you could be here tomorrow. Do you like sushi?

Yes, I do like sushi. Wait, what? Is he chatting me up?

It's too bad you won't be here tomorrow

Well, we'll see how I feel after I go to church, knowing full well I would not be in the mood to drive to Woodland Hills to have lunch with an Octogenarian apparently interested in a woman who looked more than half his age.

I wish I could see you tomorrow.

<Smile> Well, it was nice talking to you. Happy New Year! At least, I think that's how I got out of the dangerously spiraling loop.

Happy New Year!

Yeah. It was kinda of weird.

* I just now realized he thought I worked in the mall. There's a reason I identify with turtles and tortoises.

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