Thursday, June 14, 2012


Dear Stella Artois,
A chalice made out of glass is still a glass.

I do like this Burger King commercial with David Beckham.

Clarins multi-active wrinkle cream smells like nice old lady. Talc and je ne se quois.

I'm thinking the Kreo Battleship cartoon short was better than the movie.

Kudos to Chrysler's advertising team. Setting the tone with the Eminem Super Bowl commercial, they've been hitting it out of the park ever since.

I also like the song in the recent Heineken commercials.

Wow. Heineken is in spell check.

Dear SyFy Channel,
Of course a big-eyed Kewpie style Humpty Dumpty doll is possessed. You may need a better example to sell your new ghost show.

Okay, so I like all of the songs in this AT&T commercial, except the last one. I see the sign for Brooklyn and I immediately think Beastie Boys. Does anyone know the song they chose instead?

George Zimmerman was also wearing a hoodie that fateful night.

Wait, what? Merle Haggard wrote a song about Joseph from the Bible?

Mike's Hard Lemonade is Zima with a bumblebee label. Blach.

Was Sperry Topsider always so posh?

Yoplait Greek Cherry & Pomegranate yogurt? Unfortunately, no. But the blueberry is good. And if you get the 4 pack, the empty tins look to make good paint pots.

Iran's been trying to make nuclear weapons since forever; they ain't gonna stop. And they know if they use them, they'll get clobbered. This is the starting point. What are our goals, again? What are we trying to achieve, diplomatically?

I love that there's a successful golfer named Bubba.

Oakland's Trestle Glen neighborhood sports million dollar homes. Still, pizza places won't deliver to the residents. Whaddup?

Wait, what? Esprit is still around?

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