Friday, April 8, 2011

Out with the Old, In with the New (School Quarter, That Is)

Winter quarter has ended and Spring quarter has begun. School fees stayed stable (thankfully), but are likely to rise 10% for next fall and possibly another 10% for next winter .

My Supply Chain class, which was completely on-line but for the tests, was very well executed. And it's another direction (along with Finance and Accounting) I would shy away from.

That's right. It's heavy on the math-y element of business.

My Negotiation class was great. Lots of hands on, lots of learning about the different levels and types of negotiation. Not that I have the constitution to do it professionally (as a professional negotiator, that is), but now I know what I need to do to work towards the best possible outcomes. Good knowledge to have.

Now I'm in Intro to Entrepreneurship and Intro to Marketing. Thus far, neither has met my expectations.

In Entrepreneurship, we (as a class) made up the syllabus. The things we wanted to learn. The assignments we wanted to do. The grading system for the assignments. Crazy scary cool. I've left each session psyched and appreciative of the things I'm learning. A very cool class.

Marketing. . . We've only had one session, so the appearance of being a bit of a hot mess might be first day jitters. Hopefully.

In other words, I'll have to treat it like a show on Bravo and "watch what happens".

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