Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An Edem Update

This quarter I took Finance and Executive Leadership. To my surprise, I found elements of the finance course interesting. And much to my delight, I did decently in the stock market game we had to play. However, I did do poorly enough on the final to earn a B+ - I had an A- going in.

There is a lot of leadership theory out there. A lot. And the question of whether leadership is inherent or can be taught remains. But I got to watch most of 12 Angry Men, which I then had to go get from the library because there was not enough class time to finish the movie. So sad they couldn't sell a movie like that today! One set, no explosions (except what comes out of the actors' mouths). Don't get me wrong, I like a blowed up as much as the next girl. But man oh man! Could you imagine?

I got a lot out of both classes, from both the instruction and the (dreaded) group work. I'm still digesting it all.

Next up – Supply Chain and Negotiation. Supply Chain is a predominately online class. I don't particularly like online classes, so it will be interesting.

One thing's for sure - I'll be renting books again this quarter. Chegg is the best bargain of them all.

I've been working camera and shader as part of the production team at my church. I think my camera work is improving - I felt really good about this past Sunday; everything felt smooooth. And the day before was long and tiring (but enjoyable – a Wizard of Oz tap extravaganza that included a Tom Jones-ish version of Welcome to the Jungle (opening chords were piano) that would be appropriate for Disney, a techno version of The Lion Sleeps Tonight which might’ve been in Madagascar, and Ella (Fitzgerald) singing Ding Dong the Witch is Dead.)

Shading is a different story. A shader adjusts the brightness, so what is seen on the screen is consistent between cameras. But what I see is not quite what the director sees is not quite what is seen on screen. And the brightness is affected by the lighting on stage. And what is bright to me is not always bright to anyone else. Nor am I skilled enough to constantly adjust between cameras when the speaker consistently walks into (and out of) a dark spot on stage.

I do, however, know enough to crank it down when someone comes onstage to speak – the way the band is lighted is significantly different than when someone is giving announcements. So I've learned something.

I'll be spending the next few weeks hopefully getting one of my many sewing projects finished (or at least moved farther along.) and trying to gear up for next quarter.

May your days be merry and bright,

Monday, December 13, 2010


Since I've gotten a smart phone, I've taken more pictures than I've ever taken thus far in my life.

If you've seen The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, you'll understand why I was incredibly brave to eat an entire bag of these:

*available at Target Matching scarf sold seperately

In one of the older buildings on campus, the toilets have foot pedal flushes. Why didn’t' this catch on? It seems ingenious to me. And most of us use our feet to flush anyway. Granted, those foot pedals might also be the reason why one of the bathrooms always smells like mold...

Saw pairs of Vera Wang flip flops selling for $95 in a Nordstrom catalogue. They look like something you could buy at Payless Rite Aid CVS and bedazzle at home.

I broke my fork when washing it. Snapped it clean. I didn’t do anything different from what I'd done before when washing it.

It came with a set I got on sale, aimed at college students. One plate, one bowl, a knife, fork, and spoon. (apparently, college kids don’t have guests). The fork lasted at least 6 months, I think.

I'm sure it's been answered, but why are colds called colds? Nyquil commercials were brilliant, though (SneezingSnifflingStuffyHeadFever SoYouCanRest Medicine)

I tried on several pairs of skinny jeans the other day. I had to jump up and down to pull some of them on. A few could not make it past my rump. All left the dreaded gap which, for me, makes buying jeans and pants a pain.

Best advice I've received thus far: "Don't be so hard on yourself!"

They raised the fees 4.44% for Winter Quarter. And didn't publish the new fees on the secure website until at least Sat, 12/4. Then they sent email notices on Mon 12/6 about not paying fees.

Last year, I had been told that changes in fees would not affect those on financial aid. Apparently, that person didn't know what they were talking about. An extra $142 doesn’t' seem like much, but it makes the budgeting tighter.  And the steam rise faster from the top of my head.

Cute dog. But with that mentality, you'll end of on What Not to Wear or How Do I Look

Saw some of Addams Family Values and realized that David Krumholtz was the little boy Wednesday (Christina Ricci) meets at camp. I already knew that Peter MacNicol was the camp counselor…So David Krumholtz got to work with Peter MacNicol both as a kid and as an adult (in Numbers). Cool.

They keep growin' them like this, and soon we'll be carving 'em* for Halloween
*them would be oranges.  Not grapefruit.  Oranges.

Hey. I'm still a nerd, even if I can't do math in my head. Holla

If they sold these with Happy Meals instead of the crappy toys, would they bother banning toys in Happy Meals?

(The answer is yes - the issue is the unhealthfulness of the food.  But from what I've heard, kids don't want Happy Meals because of the toys.  They're addicted to the french fries like everyone else. Banning the toy probably doesn't do a thing in that regard.)


Dude, really?

Cross Bearers Church: An Unauthorized Plug

Tired a church that puts status above all else? Consider attending Cross Bearers Church in Oakland, CA.

Pastored by Reverend Demetries Edwards, Cross Bearers is a non-denominational congregation that meets in the McClymonds High School auditorium at 10am on Sundays. Pastor Edwards is committed to teaching from the bible and preaching the good news of Christ.

If you want empty religious entertainment, I recommend looking elsewhere. At Cross Bearers, you'll not only brag about what a good time you had, you'll be able to describe the morning's message and the actions you'll take because of what you've heard.

For more information, visit