Monday, April 24, 2017

Leak #2

The car was making worrisome noises, and shifting was unusually difficult. Then I noticed the temperature gauge was at H.

Oh, that's not good.

I turned down a side street, parked in front of someone's house, and popped open the hood.

Oh, that's not good at all.

Is that where you put the water when the gauge is on H? Is the water spilling out? Why is the water not going where it's supposed to go?

A neighbor noticed my struggles and asked if I needed help. Looks like a crack in the radiator, he said.

Ohhhh. That's not good at ALL.

I wanted to duct tape that bad boy and drive straight to my car place. But the car manual said if the temperature doesn't drop after turning off the engine or the A/C, then the next step is to call a tow truck, so…

Meanwhile, I had parked in the sun. But across the street

The Lord had provided.

Monday, April 10, 2017

The Zoku Ice Cream Maker

It's as easy as the box claims; a recipe for vanilla ice cream is even included. The hardest part is the mixing, for you are essentially churning your own ice cream.

My first attempt was deliciously smooth and creamy.


The recipe is for six servings; the bowl, for one. Six sequential nights of ice cream doesn't sound bad, but when you have to churn it yourself after the day's exhaustion, the prospect is a little less inviting.

My subsequent attempts were less smooth, but I suspect this was because I stored the ice cream base in the coldest part of my fridge, where it is not uncommon for ice crystals to form. Perhaps the base got too cold, resulting in a graininess when churned.

Nonetheless, this is product does what it claims. It would be perfect for a kids party, replete with complaining about the amount of time and elbow grease involved. Everyone would have their own bowl, stir in their own add-ins, create their own personal ice cream.

A personal bonus –this product has whet my appetite for a machine that can make the entire six serving recipe in one go. Because homemade ice cream is delicious.