Friday, December 5, 2014

Peter Pan Live! - My 3 cents

Of course I watch these Walmart underwritten Musical Theatre Live! (unless you're on the West Coast) shows. It's a play! And I can see for free!

Staging-wise, Peter Pan was bigger and bolder than last year's Sound of Music, and not just because of the flying. There's Nana, the dog, (wonderfully trained and excellent) and the Crocodile (a person in costume who didn’t look like Godzilla. I liked it). And Tinkerbell was CGI. Outside of the camera being out of focus for half a minute in the first act, the tech was good.

There was nothing cringe-worthy about Alison Williams' performance. And Christopher Walken? Well. . . He was Christopher Walken in a Captain Hook costume. Works for some, not for others. Unfortunately, I couldn't always hear the juicy alliteration and wonderful rhymes. But once I understood it was okay to laugh at his Warble, I giggled every time I heard/saw it.

Kelli O'Hara, who played Mrs. Darling, was a delight to listen to and watch. Showing us how it's done.

Did I like it? <shrug> Meh. I was reminded that I never really connected with the story. We've just witnessed an experience Wendy was eager to share with her daughter. But what did she gain – or lose – as a result? Why was it so easy to miss her character arc?

Apparently, in addition to the published play, there's a book (Peter and Wendy). I'll let you know if it answers my character arc question.

Do I recommend it watching it? <shrug> Sure. It's enjoyable if you take it for what it is – a musical meant to entertain. Ask for more, and you'll get into trouble. (Example: Adults can't go to Neverland…but how did Captain Hook and his men get there?)

One of these days I'm actually going to live tweet these things. In the meantime, here are a few other notes and observations:

Betty Condon? Adolph Green? Jerome Robbins? I had no idea the play had such a pedigree.

Oh, so you're the cleverest boy now that a girl has sewn your shadow back on? Son, you betta recognize.

Two songs so quickly in a row. That's stamina. Or Broadway. Or both.

Wait – you never grow old there, but Pan ran away to Neverland when he was a baby?

So…we're supposed to see the wires? And the harness?

I'm used to Smee being portly.

Wait – is Smee also Mr. Darling who was also Herr Detweiler? (According to IMDB, yes.)

I see ya' posing, bald pirate in purple.

Hook's got a La-Z-Boy throne.

Should they really be doing jazz steps on a pirate ship? (Yes, yes they should. Because they are the Chorus Line.)

Huh. The Lost Boys are dressy fairly preppy. Or is it steam punk? Nonetheless, a strange contrast to Peter's woodland garb.

They're crying, "Yo Ho!" as they come around the bend. I was expecting dwarfs.

Umm…the Lost Boys' lair is empty. How is it untidy?

A: I need to learn how to make a pocket. B: How many kids picture a Hot Pocket whenever Peter mentions making pockets?

"And the end of Hamlet?" Proof the Shakespeare is for everyone, even kids.

Peter's broken the 4th wall and is asking us to save Tinkerbell. So the play is a panto*?

*Ima let you Google pantomime theatre for yourselves. Whatever you find will explain far better than I can.

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