Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Six Months a Temp

It's been little over six months since I started my current temp assignment. What began as a part-time position is now full-time. What was described as entering forms into a database has morphed into the same duties as the permanent admins.

The people remain lovely. And if I wanted to work there as a permanent employee, I could. But

It's not a good idea.

So the search continues for a potentially more satisfying job. I dissected what I enjoyed most in my previous positions, and concluded I should look for junior tech writer or business systems analyst openings. I seem to thrive in these roles.

Now, I don't think I misrepresent myself. But industry and I seem to have different understandings of what tech writers do. What would you call writing data entry reference guides for non-technical end users?

No, seriously. What would you call it? Because if I should to be looking for a different job title, I need to know.

I have had a couple of recruiters call. Encouraging – it's good to be wanted – but confusing. They seem to think it impossible to perform IT roles from outside of the IT department.

In the meantime, I've put everything (i.e., acting) on hold until I can get a better grip on the job front. Hopefully, I'll be able to do some sort of community theatre in the near-to-not-so-far future.

Ah, yes. The Joy of the Job Hunt.

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