Thursday, June 2, 2011

An Edem Update

Here's an update of what I've been doing for the past couple of months:

The Play's the Thing
I auditioned for a local play. Though the rehearsal schedule conflicted with my school schedule, I figured the audition would be good practice. Much to my surprise, I got the part!

I played Miss Dearborn, the teacher at the one room school house, in Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. It was a wonderful experience – lots of nice folks, lots of learning by absorption.

For photos of my cast, click here. Despite never noticing a camera flash, I still managed to have my eyes closed in 97% of my photos. Go figure.

Thank you to all who were able to come to a performance. I hope you enjoyed the play as much as I enjoyed doing it.

Happy Birthday! Welcome Back to School!
The Spring Quarter started the week of my birthday. My classes were a tale of two cities – it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. One class was an intro to Entrepreneurship. We created our own curriculum, learned some history, ways to value a business, the variety in how businesses are born. Lots of good information, lots of things to chew on.

The other class was Marketing. Now, I had a bias against marketing – I saw it as using psychology to manipulate people into buying things they don't need. (Turns out that's advertising, to some degree.) But marketing is bigger than that, essential to a business and not normally an exercise in deception. Unfortunately, the nature and necessity of marketing was not made very clear in class. But on the upside, I don't have to take the final.

Moving to Part Time
A couple months ago, I requested to go part time during the summer and fall. Not only was it a good project for my negotiation class, the summer months are particularly light work-wise. The less time I spend in the office stewing toxic from boredom and busy work, the better it is for everyone.

So now I work half days on Mondays and Fridays. Yes, it's less money, but there are things money can't buy.

Not much else going on. Summatime is here, even if the weather doesn't know it yet. Time to relax and rejuvenate.

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