Sunday, October 4, 2009

First Days of School

Financial Accounting
We meet in the science building. I smelled agar as I started up the stairs to my classroom. Ah, memories.

The nearest bathroom is only one stall (well, more like a little powder room).

The class is so diverse, that mine was not the only name the professor initially mispronounced.

I forgot to bring a calculator. But since we do homework in class and in groups, it turned out to be a non-issue.

I am very glad that I took accounting at the local JC in preparation for this, and that I read the first chapter of the text prior to class. I would be closer to lost if I had not done these things.

As the professor summarized the different types of accounting, I realized that managerial accounting is the one I don't like. I'll be trying to take that in the springtime to get it out of the way.

Globalization, Innovation, and Sustainability
Or as I call it, Globalization, something something

We meet in a large…lecture hall implies acoustics conducive to learning, and that it is not. There is a stage and a microphone and tons of seating, though.

We watched video clips pulled from You Tube: Steve Jobs unveiling the first Mac commercial. (It was 1984, and I didn't believe it was him at first – he had long black hair and he wasn't wearing a black mock turtleneck.) Steve Ballmer in a Microsoft commercial for Windows 1.0(!), and another clip where he is pumping up the crowd, running around on stage, getting himself winded. (He loves him some Microsoft.) An old Nightline show about the design company IDEO. Cool stuff.

There are two Ghanaians in my class, one of whom could tell I was Ewe by my name.

We have group projects in this class. The professor divided us up. Then – horror of horrors – he took our pictures. In groups of ~5. With name placards that he had us make moments before. Because he can't remember the names of his siblings, let alone anyone else. I have no doubt that I blinked, and that he'll ask me to squint if he's trying to remember who I am.

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