Friday, September 25, 2009

Now I'm Ready

I knew about the origination fee the bank would charge for my Stafford loan. What I didn't know was that they would take it out of my disbursment.

So the school got $22.92 less than what I thought it would get. Ugh.

Plus, the school had no record the payment I made in person. Turns out that when I wrote my check, what I wrote in long-hand did not match the dollar amount. (I get a bit confused writing such large sums.) So they didn't post the payment. However, the cashier's office would be open until 6:30pm that day...

So I went to school and re-paid my portion, adding the $22.92. It was all to the good.

And since I was on campus, and the library was open, I got my student body card. I only had to have my picture taken once - my eyes stayed open on the first try. Nice.

Now I'm ready for school. I've ready the first two chapters of my Financial Accounting text; I know where I'm going to park and where my classrooms are; and I've found a microwave to heat dinner and a place to sit while I eat it. All I'm missing is a box of Frosted Miniwheats.

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