Monday, November 3, 2008

Integration – The Anti-Derivative

Thursday's class began with the discovery that our math lab assignment was identical to 10 derivative questions which were on the test.

Thankfully, I got a 91, understood what I did wrong, and was able to complete half of the assignment during the break, using my test to check the answers.

We began learning the second part of calculus. He first discussed the calculation of area for different geometric figures-squares, triangles, trapezoids. Pi was found by inscribing and circumscribing circles by hexagons, and taking their area. I really do not like geometry.

Turns out that integration (i.e., finding the area under the curve) is the anti-derivative. Easy peasy. Two unrelated concepts turned out to be the inverse of each other. Who knew?


I spent Halloween afternoon in the doctor's office. An hour and fifteen minutes for a doctor (who was not my regular doctor) to tell me that the pain I feel when I get up after sitting for a while-the sharp pain at the back of the knee, sometimes at that ball & socket joint in my hip-is nothing. Not that I don't feel pain, but that all I can do is exercise and take some ibuprofren. I spent all that time for what?

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