Sunday, February 15, 2015

There and Back Again

I washed my hair,

Combed it, 
ooo, poufy...

Dried it with a blow dryer,
Sometimes I have a mind to walk into one of those blow dry only hair salons just to see their reaction.

Straightened it,

And curled it. 

On Monday, one of my co-worker's encouraged me to take another pass. My hair is unaccustomed to being straight, so it takes a bit more for it get there. So I


 and curled it. Again.
My hair turned out to be longer than I thought. If I get to bodacious levels of afro, it might go past my shoulders.

After a week of oil buildup,

I was ready to wash

And go back to my natural hair texture.

Monday, February 2, 2015

MythBusters – A Review

It's a new season of MythBusters, and as forewarned, the beloved trio of Kari, Grant, and Tory are no longer a part. The result?

--More on-screen graphics, from the basic physics of a particular mechanism to the Don't Try This At Home admonition. Be prepared to read (mostly relevant) information during the guys' scientific explanations.

--Myths from the world of entertainment. Each episode is a special – the Simpsons Special, the A-Team Special, etc. Unfortunately, because the sources of the myths so far have been fictional, the results can only be plausible or busted.

--A shot of the M5 Industries, Inc. sign after every commercial break. Now you know the name of Adam & Jamie's company.

--Adam in costume.

--Increased "edginess" in the form of occasional bad jokes and camera shots (Who wants to see someone's (fully clothed) butt from the inside of a toilet? Twice?).

While the changes may have brought about an arguably a "sexier" show, the core is the same. After a thing has been blown up, the data is still crunched before a result is decided upon.

If you're curious about whether you could use a whip to swing across a chasm, or slice airborne fruit with a samurai sword, the new season of MythBusters has the answers.

New episodes of MythBusters air on the Discovery Channel Saturday nights at 9:00 p.m. EST, with the prior week's episode airing at 8:00 p.m. EST.