Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Driving in LA

The Left Turn Arrow seems sparse here. Many are the busy thoroughfares where one needs to wait for the oncoming traffic to abate. It is not unusual to turn left on a red light.

Here, yellow means Speed Up. Unless the intersection is blocked. Or one is in danger of blocking the intersection. And sometimes even then. . .

Is the street wide enough to make two lanes while waiting for the light? Done and done. No need to wait behind the person turning left if there is room to wait to turn right.

Merging seems particularly difficult for many. You know when you get to a merge point, and the cars alternate, going every other one? Like the teeth of a zipper interlocking as it's being closed?

That concept's not clear here. Let someone go ahead of me? Are you crazy? Ima get mines.

You gonna get worse gridlock is what you gonna get.

This is not to say there is a lack of charity on the roads. I've been warned of a fresh accident by the car ahead of me. There's a spot on Beverly Glen where the unwritten rule is every other car, allowing those at a stop sign to enter the flow of traffic. I've seen folks leave enough space for residents to get in and out of their driveways during rush hour on Coldwater Canyon.

Still, the general sense I get of the Los Angeles driving attitude of Me First Me First Me First!

I'm settling in just fine. Except for that merging bit.