Monday, September 17, 2012

Jane Eyre

I finally got around to seeing the 2011 film adaptation of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, starring Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender, and Jamie Bell.

First off, have you read the book? If you have, you know that Mr. Rochester is. . . not really a looker. Go to and scroll through all of the film adaptations. Not a mugly Mr. Rochester among them. Makes it a bit weird when that line of dialogue refers to his unattractiveness. In film, Mr. Rochester is always brooding and always handsome. A general observation.

This most recent adaptation reminded me of the Deathly Hallows movies. I wondered if folks who had not read the last Harry Potter book fully understood what was going on.

Jane Eyre is a simpler story, but there was still room for confusion. When Jane first runs away from Thornfield, she's carrying a bag. We next see her desperate and hopeless on the rocks of the moor, with nothing but her cloak. Where'd the bag go?

What really confused me was a shot of Jane lying in bushes. It's dramatic, but disconcerting. Wehre did these bushes come from? How did she get there? What happened to the rocks?

I enjoyed the use of flashbacks to tell the meat of the story. Though the main action with Rochester is such a long flashback, you may be startled when there's a change. And the cinematography is sumptuous, as required for such period pieces.

But it's a slow movie. I was engaged because I was measuring it against my memory of the story. Without such a yardstick, the pace might be too glacial for you. So read the book first, then see whether you like how the movie tells it.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Travelogue: Florida in September

Why Florida?, you ask?

Still the look of puzzlement. Yes, I know I live roughly 8 hours away from a perfectly good Legoland Resort. But the friends I visited live in Florida, so there I went.

When you enter a Legoland, do not underestimate the tons of cool stuff made of Legos. From baskets of strawberries in a café to these guys

to this guy, who actually makes noise

to this sweetie, hiding in plain sight.

You could spend all of your time wandering the park looking at the trove of amazing Lego sculptures.

I know! They must change this every four to eight years!

Legoland Florida is built on the site of the former Cypress Gardens, Florida's first amusement park. Despite the two life size Lego Southern Belles, the garden feels a little out of place. In addition to a Banyan tree, you'll find these

Cypress nubs...and trees

And this

Wait, what?
And, if you're patient, this little one

That's right folks. Legoland Florida is in Alligator Territory.

Why would anyone want to. . .?

The next morning, I saw a rainbow, and this nursery rhyme came to mind:

Rainbow at night is a sailor's delight
Rainbow at morning, sailor take warning!

Rain came as expected. We went to Disney's Animal Kingdom anyway.

It was so beautiful, the lush foliage and the rain. A casual glance to the right and there are birds! Not birds you would normally see. Beautiful, shouldn't-you-be-in-a-zoo-behind-some-wire-because-you're-so-pretty-birds.

And the safari! The scripted nonsense about rickety bridges and being lost could've been done away with. We had to STOP while a giraffe crossed in front of the truck. We were feet away, at most several yards, from all of the animals. Seeing them was a magnificence that needed no enhancement.

There are sections called Africa and Asia. In the latter, ladies invite who ever will to come try some Indian dance moves. In the former, there's an actual band. In both places people randomly dance. (I loved seeing the couple doing salsa to Paul Simon.)

Yes, Disney is expensive. Still, spend your money at the Tusker House Restaurant. It's a buffet with all things good and tasty. You want samosas and plantains and jollof rice and a wicked good curry chicken? They got you. Lox? Prime Rib? Corn dog nuggets? They got you. Lemon bars, volcano cake, banana bread pudding, fruit cobbler, baklava, chocolate chip cookies? Don't fill up on dinner.

Oh, but the travel wasn't all fun and games. I brought instant oatmeal and my favorite teas so I could eat breakfast in the hotel room. Because eating out is expensive and every hotel room has a coffee maker, right?

Apparently not. Though it could be had for an extra $10 a night. . .

The flights were fine, despite being full. Some air travel related musings:

There's a Jamba Juice in the Oakland Airport?! Why am I the last one to learn about these things?

I know it's morning, but I would eat sweet potato fries from Burger King right now.

Ooo, Pappas Burger has sweet potato fries. I must be in Texas because they only sell ½ pound burgers.

With well cooked bacon and barbeque sauce, I can be induced to eat a quarter pound of burger….

Um, this is Florida. Why are these in the airport shop?

When the snack box first came around, I took a bag of pretzels. Is that all you want? The flight attendant asked. I can have more than one? I replied with child-like wonder. The result was this delicious combination of sweet and salty:

And bubbly. That's Ginger Ale in the cup.

Have you ever had Cheese Nips? They're imitation Cheez-Its – square, orange, and nasty. I correctly surmised shrinking them down to 100 calories and planing them into thins would not improve their flavor.

Yes, I ate the entire bag. I was that hungry
After the 100 calorie Cheese Nips, I was skeptical of the 100 calorie Chips Ahoy thins. But they are surprisingly yummy. I would eat them again, maybe even if there was something else for me to choose.

When in doubt, always go with Lorna Doone! Unless you can't have too much sugar

Ah Florida.  With your too hot to handle mugginess and your cooling rain showers,

I'd visit again.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

An Anniversary

September 11th was a Tuesday.

I watched the news that morning as I ate breakfast.

I saw the plane go into the second tower. Stunned, shocked, horrified, I went to work.

We huddled around the tv, analyzing targets and flight paths, watching commentary, on edge.

We were sent home. Fortunately, the bridge was still open, and someone was able to drive a few of us home.

It reminded me of a common aspect of biblical battles. Then, the goal was to take a people's leader, army, and gods. I concluded that was what the terrorists were trying to do, having targeted the White House (our leader), the Pentagon (our army) and the Twin Towers (our gods).

Not that the towers themselves were America's gods. But didn’t that Manhattan skyline often represent our love of Money and Stuff?

I sought to escape the never ending news analysis, a challenge without cable. That weekend, a PBS station aired the History of Rock & Roll without pledge breaks. I drank hot chocolate, ate tortilla chips, and stayed sane.

For a month, I didn’t' wear my slippers while at home. I wore tennis shoes. I had to be prepared.

My next few times on an airplane, I paid rapt attention to the flight attendant. I noted the exits, and how to open the doors. I carefully read the laminated procedures in the seat pocket. I had to be prepared.

Now, I read the newspaper in the morning. I'm late to learning the news in the world.

Now, my version of panic is putting my phone, id, keys and credit cards into my pockets, lest I have to leave my purse behind. I have to be prepared.

For many, the dredging of memory occurred last year, the ten year anniversary. I shrugged.

Because September 11th was a Tuesday.