Sunday, March 27, 2011

Improv! Get Your Improv Here!

I took an improv class a couple weeks ago. 'Twas super fun. Who knew my city offered such cool classes?

Turns out the city has a teen improve troupe called Creatures of Impulse. For the second year in a row, they'll be representing California at the Teen Comedy Festival in Chicago. And like any youth group travelling to distant lands, they need a bit of money to help get them there. There will be two shows to support this effort:

Impulsive Short and Long Tales, starring Creatures of Impulse
Saturday, April 2, 7pm, Veterans' Memorial Building, Pleasanton, Tickets-$5

Act I will consist of games and short scenes, with the audience voting for what they'd like to see as a longer scene in Act II. The audience votes with cash, so bring extra bills and make it rain!

Improv Inertia
Friday, April 15 and Saturday April 16, 7:30 pm, Veterans' Memorial Building, Pleasanton, Tickets-$5, Ages 14 and up.

The grown folk will come out and play – and they'll be music, too! (on Saturday, at least.)

If you have questions or simply want to contribute, please contact Mark Duncanson at

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm in a Play!

I've always been interested in acting, but was too afraid to really try it. But an opportunity arose to audition for a part in a local play and

I got the part!

The play is Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, and is based on the silent-film era movie that was made in Pleasanton. My character is Miss Dearborn. The play runs from Friday, May 6th - Sunday, May 15th.

If you're able, please come and support!

Tickets are available here and range from $6-$12 (for children 12 and under & seniors 62 and older) and $10-$18 (for everyone else)

Here is our schedule. There are two casts for the play (if you want to see me, I've highlighted my cast in bold and with arrows)

Fri, May 6, 7:30pm <--
Sat, May 7, 2:00pm <--
Sat, May 7, 7:30pm
Sun, May 8, 2:00pm
Wed, May 11, 9:30am <--
Wed, May 11, 11:00am <--
Thu, May 12, 9:30am
Thu, May 12, 11:00am
Fri, May 13, 7:30pm
Sat, May 14, 2:00pm
Sat, May 14, 7:30pm <--
Sun, May 15, 2:00pm <--

Whether in body or in spirit, thanks for your support!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Leopard Spots on the Horizon

I thought it was one of those oil globules firmly affixed to a strand of hair. (Never mind the fact there was nothing globular in shape or consistency hanging around the follicle.) I kept pulling the hair between my fingers, trying to get the color back to black.

It was two days before I realized it was not a sebaceous secretion.

I immediately panicked, struck by a vision of irregular patches of gray, a leopard with lopsided spots.

I looked in the mirror. Leaned close. Leaned in a little more. Squinted. There it was. My first albino strand of hair, nestled comfortably above my temple.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Computer Madness

Lemme just save this file from one of my classmates for this group project we have.

Right click, okay, select the flash drive.

What was that?

Wait – where's my folder? What happened to my folders?

Cancel cancel open flash drive.

Omigosh. The folder's gone. Maybe I accidentally moved it into another folder?

Search the flash drive.

Or to the hard drive?

Search the hard drive. Shortcuts from Monday night, but no actual folder.

Or to the other flash drive?

Search the other flash drive.

Repeat until the definition of crazy (doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result) sinks in.

God, can you please just make my folders magically reappear?

A lot of the stuff I need is on Blackboard; I can just re-download it. Hopefully, I won't need to resubmit an assignment I've previously done…

Well, at least I have the folder for my other class, and my paper that's due on next Tuesday.

Small comforts are no less worthy of taking than large ones.


Lemme just copy my paper to the hard drive just in case.

Omigosh. The folder's not there. SNAP!


All of my notes. All of my research. I have to re-write my paper, and I'm already behind in my other class…

(Cursing more than ever the fact that I wasted Sunday watching the Academy Awards instead of doing homework.)

Search the hard drive and the folder. Nothin' but shortcuts.

God, can you please PLEASE just make my folders magically reappear?


How many other folders disappeared?

Are you kidding me? Only this quarter's classes have disappeared into some unknown internet/computer/technical portal?