Tuesday, April 21, 2009


After a string of 98's I finally got a 100 on a stats test. Very exciting. Next up – linear correlation and a take home test. And three more tests after that. The semester ends in a month, so it's rapid-fire from here on out.

I'm doing some SQL at work now – stealing code to write queries to export data to Excel. I have to guess what some of the tables house (even after looking at the contents, it's still not always immediately clear), and I'm to always sure what a field means, but I think I've been doing alright. (That is, no one's told me that I'm way off yet.) Still, I'm emailing a lot of questions & observations. No doubt driving several people batty.

Here's hoping that summer will be like it is right now – mid 90's with a bit of humidity in the air. Not to hot that it's excruciating miserable to be outside for more than 5 minutes, and cool enough at night where one can close the window. Unless you live near an ocean, where the sound of the waves are you're lullaby. Then you would never close the window, except in a torrential downpour.